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Petit Cabane Rd, Camp De Masque, Mauritius
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Pineapple tends to be juicy and really tasty fruit. We can eat them in different way; ripe/ in curry/ flambe as desserts or in salads.

  • Just as a fruit – One of the best ways to enjoy the fruit is to eat it by itself. Ripe pineapples cut and seasoned to taste serve as a tasty addition to any meal.
  • Grill – You can simply cut them into small cubes, and put them on a grill.
  • Tropical Fruit Salad – You can season cubes of pineapples and other fruits to make a great salad.
  • Smoothies – You can take some fresh pineapples and mangoes, and add them into yogurt or milk.
  • Baked Goods – You can bake them into many desserts, such as an upside-down pineapple cake. Pineapple has vitamins and minerals that help shorten viral and bacterial infections and strengthen your bones. One cup has more than 100% of your daily value of cell-protecting, collagen-making vitamin C.


  1. They are rich in Vitamin C.
  2. Eating Pineapple May Enhance Your Weight Loss.
  3. It helps in improving your digestion.
  4. It may help prevent cancer.
  5. They are loaded with powerful antioxidants that fights against heart diseases.
  6. The manganese in pineapple promotes healthy bones.
  7. They may help in boosting the immune system.
  8. It is delicious and easy to incorporate in your diet
Cutting a pineapple can be quite tricky. Here are some tips how to do it properly :
  • Slice off the green spiky top. Then carefully cut the skin off the sides, as close to the edge of the pineapple as you can.
  • Cutting close to the edge exposes a bunch of brown, scraggly dots, called eyes, that need to be removed.
  • Use a small paring knife to carefully carve out the eyes.
  • Continue to work your way around the pineapple. Then finally cut it depending on how you want to serve it. Circles, cubes or sticks.