Cassava powder(manioc)



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Get our Cassava Powder(Manioc) from our online market store for only 120.00 MUR.

Method of cooking:
  • Peel the skin of the cassava and grate the cassava
  • Let them dry in the sun
  • Then grind the cassava to make it into a powder
How to store our cassava powder (manioc) at home:
  • Store in a cool and dry place.


  • Do not refrigerate.
Benefits of CAssava:
  • Cassava is a calorie-rich vegetable that contains plenty of carbohydrates and key vitamins and minerals.
  • Moreover, it is a good source of vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. The leaves, which are also edible if a person cooks them or dries them in the sun, can contain up to 25% protein.
  • However, the cassava root does not deliver the same nutritional value as other tuber vegetables.
  • Tapioca starch is gaining attention as a source of gluten-free flour to make bread and other baked products that are suitable for people with an intolerance to gluten.
  • Furthermore, it is a source of resistant starch, which scientists suggest can boost a person’s gut health by helping nurture beneficial gut bacteria. Resistant starches remain relatively unchanged as they pass through the digestive tract.

In addition to eating cassava, people also use it for:

  • feeding animals
  • making medications
  • manufacturing fabrics, paper, and building materials, such as plywood
  • making bioethanol for the fuel.