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Raisins Rouge / Crimson Grapes (per 11lbs)



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Price: rs 1000 / 11 lbs


Crimson Grapes are bright red, big, cylindrical-oval, and seedless. The fruit is firm and crisp, with a thick, tough exterior and a neutral flavor. Bunches are medium in size, conical with a shoulder, and well to somewhat compactly packed.



  • Anti-aging

Crimson grape skin and seeds contain Resveratrol, which slows the aging process. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that aids in the maintenance of skin health.

  • Antibacterial activity

Crimson grapes have antibacterial and antiviral qualities. Hence, they protect you from a variety of illnesses like the polio virus and the herpes simplex virus.

  • kidney disorders

They aid in the elimination of acid from the system and lower the work load on the kidneys as uric acid can be reduce by eating crimson grapes.

  • improves eyesight

Eating a sufficient number of grapes reduces inflammatory protein levels while increasing the amount of protective proteins in the retina. It also helps to counteract oxidative stress due to the greater antioxidant content in grapes.

  • heart

Red grapes include flavonoids and resveratol, which are believed to help prevent heart disease. Due to the intake of red wine and red grapes, France has the lowest prevalence of heart disease. Polyphenols, flavonoids, and resveratrol are antioxidants found in grape juice and wine. They aid in the prevention of excessive cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood clots, and heart disease.

  • cancer

Resveratrol has been demonstrated to help reduce cancer, and it also protects your skin from the sun’s damaging UVB rays. As a result, it aids in the prevention of dangerous skin cancer. Crimson grape also protects the body from radiation during cancer therapy.

  • weight loss

Crimson grapes have the highest concentration of saponins in their skin. It helps in the accumulation of cholesterol and prevents it from being absorbed in the circulation. This aids in the prevention of obesity and heart disease.