Pattypan Squash Seedlings (Plantules Patisson)
Pattypan squash seedlings double is at Rs 4.25.

GeneRal Information on pattypan squash seedlings
The colors of these organic summer squashes range from brilliant yellow to green to white.
They taste similar to zucchini but are slightly sweeter. When pattypan squash is young and little, it tastes best; if you allow it grow too large, it will taste like a potato.

types of pattypan squash
Pattypan squash, sometimes known as scallop squash, is a cultivar of the summer squash (Cucurbita pepo), which includes zucchini and crook-neck squash. If you’re thinking of adding some pattypan plants to your garden, start with the following varieties:
- The pure species variety is known as pattypan/scallop, and it is a fairly reliable option. The fruit is often pale green in color.
- Fruit from the ‘Flying Saucer’ variety have green centers with a yellow ring around them. The fruits have a nutty flavor and are thick.
- The heirloom ‘Pattison panache’ is a pale green French variety. It is finest harvested when still young.
- ‘Sunburst’ was previously an All-America selection. The fruits are bright yellow and extremely sensitive, particularly if taken early. It takes 52 days from seedling to harvest.
- ‘Peter Pan’ boasts a bright green, meaty fruit. Growing and harvesting takes 50 days.
- Scallopini has a sweet, nutty flavor and dark green speckled skin akin to zucchini. Growing and harvesting takes 52 days.
- The butter-yellow fruit of ‘Sunny Delight’ is particularly delicious. It takes 45 frost-free days for this hybrid to develop.
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