Asist 3-5-55+TE – Foliar Fertilizer


Assist 3-5-55+TE is 100% water soluble. It is a qualified powder foliar fertilizer containing trace elements.

It is used as a balanced foliar fertilizer with potassium weight according to different phenological stages of the plant.

The fertilizer is available in the following quantity: 1 kg, 2.5 kg, 5 kg.

Assist 3-5-55+TE is 100% water soluble. It is a qualified powder foliar fertilizer containing trace elements. It is easily and quickly removed from the leaves. It is used as a balanced foliar fertilizer with potassium weight according to different phenological stages of the plant. This product can be mixed with all types of fertilizers and pesticides, but it is recommended to test small doses before each application.


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Unlocking Plant Vitality with Asist 3-5-55+TE

Asist 3-5-55+TE, a 100% water-soluble foliar fertilizer, swiftly nourishes plants through their leaves. Let’s delve deeper into its potassium-rich composition and explore tailored application methods for optimal botanical health.

The Power of Solubility

When it comes to nutrient absorption, speed matters. Asist 3-5-55+TE doesn’t dawdle—it’s the express lane for plant hydration. Imagine leaves gulping down a refreshing botanical energy drink, revitalizing every cell.

But that’s not all. This foliar elixir brings balance. Picture a tightrope walker — Asist 3-5-55+TE to ensure the plant’s equilibrium, preventing wobbles and falls. It’s the botanical yoga session—balancing energy flow, one leaf at a time.

Compatibility and Caution

Mixing and mingling is encouraged. Asist 3-5-55+TE plays well with others—fertilizers, pesticides, they’re all invited to the nutrient party. But, like a cautious dance partner, test compatibility first. No clashes allowed on the botanical dance floor!

Nutrient Breakdown

Let’s dissect this nutrient symphony:

  1. Nitrogen (N): A modest 3%. It’s the plant’s morning coffee—gentle awakening, nudging cells into action. Nitrogen, the botanical alarm clock.
  2. Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5): A mere 5%. Think of it as plant GPS—guiding roots toward hidden treasure troves of nutrients. Roots follow the phosphorus breadcrumbs, ensuring no nutrient gets lost in the soil labyrinth.
  3. Potassium Oxide (K2O): The 55% powerhouse. It’s the botanical gym—strength, resilience, and stress relief. When plants face life’s challenges—heat waves, pests, or existential crises—potassium flexes its green muscles. It’s the plant’s stoic superhero, cape billowing in the wind.
  4. Trace Elements (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn): These micronutrients are backstage magicians—subtle but essential. Boron fine-tunes flowering, copper whispers encouragement to chlorophyll factories, and zinc ensures the plant’s metabolic gears run smoothly. They’re the unsung heroes, making sure the botanical show goes on.

Application Wisdom

Now, let’s talk about practicality:

  • Leaf Love: Apply 150-250g per 100 liters from leaves. It’s like a plant spa day—nutrient massages, leaf facials, and chlorophyll manicures. Each leaf sighs in botanical bliss.
  • Timing Matters: Tailor doses to phenological stages. Imagine the plant’s calendar—flowering, fruit setting, growth spurts. 2-3 applications ensure botanical harmony. It’s like sending personalized invitations to the Nutrient Party.
  • Extreme Deficiency: In dire cases, don’t hold back. Go for 6-8 applications. It’s the nutrient cavalry riding in, trumpets blaring. “Fear not, chlorophyll warriors—we’ve got your back!”