Asist 20-20-20+TE – Foliar Fertilizer


Assist 20-20-20+TE is 100% water soluble. It is a qualified powder foliar fertilizer containing trace elements. 

It is used as a balanced foliar fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium based on different phenological stages of the plant. 

The fertilizer is available in the following quantity: 1 kg, 2.5 kg, 5 kg.

Assist 20-20-20+TE is 100% water soluble. It is a qualified powder foliar fertilizer containing trace elements. It is easily and quickly removed from the leaves. It is used as a balanced foliar fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium based on different phenological stages of the plant. This product can be mixed with all kinds of fertilizers and pesticides. However, it is recommended to test small doses before each application. Never exceed appropriate dosage recommendations. Use where necessary. It is recommended to use fertilizer by having soil and/or leaf analysis.


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Assist 20-20-20+TE

Assist 20-20-20+TE stands as a fully water-soluble foliar fertilizer. It plays a pivotal role in supporting plant health. In this extended exploration, we’ll delve into its composition, application methods, and dosage guidelines to achieve optimal results.

Why is this important?

Imagine a symphony—the conductor skillfully orchestrates each instrument to create harmonious music. Similarly, Assist 20-20-20+TE conducts a botanical symphony, ensuring every nutrient note is played in perfect harmony.

Balanced Nutrient Composition

  1. Nitrogen: Present in easily absorbable forms (nitrate, ammonium, and urea), nitrogen fuels essential metabolic processes. It’s like the plant’s espresso shot, kickstarting growth and vitality.
  2. Phosphorus: Picture this as the plant’s GPS—it guides roots toward nutrients and energy sources. Without it, roots would wander aimlessly, lost in the soil labyrinth.
  3. Potassium: The plant’s resilience superhero! It battles stress, drought, and disease. Think of it as the botanical Batman, always ready to save the day.
  4. Trace Elements (Boron, Manganese, and Zinc): These micronutrients are like backstage crew members—often unnoticed but indispensable. Boron fine-tunes flowering, manganese choreographs photosynthesis, and zinc whispers encouragement to meristematic cells: “Grow, little ones, grow!”

Enhancing Plant Reproductive Balance

Assist 20-20-20+TE promotes a harmonious balance between vegetative and reproductive phases. Robust flowering and high-quality yields result from its judicious use. Imagine a garden transformed into a botanical ballroom, where leaves waltz with blossoms and fruits tango with seeds.

Application and Compatibility

  • Foliar Application: Administer 200-250 grams per 100 liters, considering the plant’s phenological stages. It’s like serving a customized gourmet meal to each leaf—nutrient-haute cuisine!
  • Compatibility: Mix with other fertilizers and pesticides, but conduct compatibility tests beforehand. Avoid exceeding recommended dosages. Think of it as a plant cocktail party—everyone mingling, but no unruly behavior allowed.

Precision Matters

  • Soil and Leaf Analysis: Prioritize soil and leaf assessments to tailor fertilizer application. It’s akin to a plant spa day—massages for roots, facials for leaves, and personalized treatments for all.
  • Extreme Deficiency: In severe trace element deficiency, consider 6-8 applications. It’s like an emergency nutrient rescue squad parachuting in to save the day.

When used judiciously, Assist 20-20-20+TE unlocks the plant’s potential. Let us cultivate thriving gardens by nourishing them with precision and care. Remember, every fertilizer drop is a whispered promise to the green world: “Grow, flourish, and thrive!”