Polyway – BIOSTIMULANT(Fertilizer)
POLYWAY is a special product that controls the development of parts and growth points of plants, especially flowers, pollen, fruits and seeds, quickly penetrates into the plant body, is included in the transmission system and acts rapidly.
These are the content that are included :
Total Nitrogen (N)- %9
Nitrate Nitrogen (N) – %2
Ammonium Nitrogen (N) – %2.5
Urea Nitrogen (N)- %4.5
Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5)- %11
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O)- %5
Packaging Options
POLYWAY is a special product that controls the development of parts and growth points of plants, especially flowers, pollen, fruits and seeds, quickly penetrates into the plant body, is included in the transmission system and acts rapidly. In general, external factors and stress conditions occur in plants during flowering, fertilization and root development. These stress conditions slow down the activities of enzymes and hormones that have vital functions in plants. In such cases, POLYWAY ensures that slowed down enzyme and hormone activities work faster and more efficiently, ensuring rapid growth and development and healthy flower and fruit development. It can be used especially on plants that are sensitive to fruit setting, such as cherries, citrus fruits and olives.
• Increases fruit set.
• Strengthens the fruit stem.
• Provides flower formation and maximum retention in vegetables.
• It forms side branches.
When POLYWAY is used in periods when vegetation is excessive and on plants, it suppresses the growth by directing the development to the generative parts. When used without dripping, POLYWAY increases the formation of new roots and the function of the roots.
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