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01 Jun: Mauritius – Agriculture

Sugarcane is the major crop. In 2001, 5.8 million tons of cane were produced. Sugarcane occupies 36% of Mauritius’ total land area and 70% of its cultivated land. It is an estate economy, with 21 large estates accounting for over half of the land cultivated. The 32,000 small operations account for 25% of the land cultivated and are grouped into cooperatives …


01 Jun: 11 characteristics of plantation agriculture.

A Plantation is an estate or a large piece of land in which a certain type of crop or plant is grown and processed. It is a large farm with the cultivation of a limited number of cash crops, carried out using scientific and efficient methods. In Africa, plantation crops include sugar, tea, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, rubber and grapevine. In this article we are going to look at the major characteristics pf plantation agriculture or large scale agriculture …