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Poivron Couleur (Per Kg)



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Poivron Couleur / The pepper can be plucked either green or ripe, and it can be either raw or cooked as a vegetable. It can survive for several years in a tropical area but is an annual plant in a temperate zone since it cannot withstand freezing.


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Poivron Couleur / The pepper’s color is mostly influenced by its maturation stage.
When young, all pepper cultivars are green.
When ripe, the pepper can change from green to white to yellow to orange to red to purple to even chocolate in rare situations.

Poivron Couleur / Bell peppers are the fruit of a flowering plant. They have a rounded square shape with three or four lobes and are generally hollow within, containing a large number of tiny, flat, white seeds. Despite the fact that bell peppers are widely used in cooking as vegetables, they are legally considered fruits because they are the part of the plant that houses the seeds. They share this trait with other fruits including tomatoes, string beans, zucchini, and cucumbers that are also utilized as vegetables.

A variation in the nutritional values

Even though all peppers are a fantastic source of antioxidants, there are distinctions in nutritional value in addition to taste.
Red peppers are a good source of fiber and vitamins A and C. It has the highest beta-carotene content.
Yellow and orange peppers provide the greatest vitamin C.
Green pepper has the highest concentration of vitamin B9. It has the fewest calories of any pepper.