Codacide Oil is an oil-based adjuvant for increasing the effectiveness of spray applications of compatible plant protection products such as herbicides or insecticides.
- Add to products to help the pesticide do its job. It stays on target. They may be in a formulated product when it’s purchased.
- Or, add to a mixture before application of any products (tank-mixed).
- The application rate of Codacideo Oil is dependent on the rate of plant protection product that is used but should be between 1 L/Ha and 2.5 L/Ha.
- Many adjuvants are surfactants. Surfactants are also called “surface acting agents” which flatten and spread droplets so that a product can penetrate a leaf.
- when pre-mixed with a plant protection product (PPP) replaces water as the primary carrier by encapsulating each molecule of the PPP. This creates a controlled emulsion that works to improve the efficiency of PPP applications.
- Use codacide oil when making foliar applications of plant protection products.
- Most adjuvants list on pesticide product labels. If included in the mixture, they consider “other/inert ingredients.”
- Mixtures of ingredients can behave differently in the environment or the body compared to an ingredient alone. For example, some surfactants can increase the skin absorption of a product. Or, a mixture may break down faster in soils compared to an ingredient on its own.
- Always read product label directions. It states which adjuvants use with the product.
- A local expert may be able to provide guidance for adjuvant selection.
- A manufacturer may be able to answer questions about tank-mixed adjuvant products.
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