In search of machinery, in Mauritius? No worries, you have come to the right place. Then, browse our range of services on the Agromoris webpage.

We assure you that all our products are of great use and we hope to get good feedback from you after use.

machinery available:

Gasoline Fertiliser pump, Gasoline Water Pump, Generator

All products have their different own use, and also modes of application.
Use them in your garden or even kitchen.
Before using any type of equipment, make sure to consult our specialists who are always present on site.
We do assure you of the good quality of our machinery in Mauritius at our online market store.
Get these items at an affordable price.
Balwaan BP-700 7HP 4 Stroke Power Weeder | Tiller | Cultivator | with AIR Cooled Petrol Engine
Brush Cutter 35cc Pro
DVI 3 HP 63CC Mini Power Tiller | Cultivator | Weeder – Efficient Agriculture and Gardening Companion
Earthway Seeder
Store:  Growers Home Ltd
0 out of 5
Gasoline fertilizer pump Gasoline fertilizer pump
Out of stock
Gasoline water pump
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Generator Generator
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Ingco Gasoline Earth Auger Machine
Jang JP-1 Seeder
Store:  Growers Home Ltd
0 out of 5
NEPTUNE SIMPLIFY FARMING 58 cc Chain Saw with 22-Inch Cutter Bar
Neptune Simplify Farming Electric Portable Garden Tiller
ProRock Grass Cutting Machine for Garden | Powerful 310W
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