Promoting Organic Crop Production Through New Initiatives

Initiatives introduced to promote organic crop cultivations

initiatives for farmers

Agro-Industry Minister Mahen Seeruttun announced these actions on Wednesday, December 7, during the certificate-giving ceremony for 53 trainees who successfully completed a five-day Organic Crop Production Training of Trainees module as part of the Support for the Development of Organic Farming and Institutional Capacity Building in Mauritius program at the R. Burrenchobay Lecture. Growers who want to practice organic agriculture now have access to a variety of facilities: the Bio farming Promotion Scheme offers advantages like a tax holiday on income for the first eight years that a project gets approval, a VAT exemption on production equipment and other inputs purchased for the project, and loan options under the MauBank Financing Scheme, among other things.

training and capacity building

The Ministry of Agriculture, Industry, and Food Security, along with the FAO, jointly organized a plan. The goal is to enhance public capabilities in organic material in Mauritius.

 Implementation of the Plan

The plan spans two years with specialized support from the FAO. It involves various stakeholders: FAREI, Agricultural Services, UOM, MCIA, SFWF, the private sector, NGOs, the Small Farmer Association, and Individual growers, totaling 53 participants.

organic products

Mahen Seeruttun emphasized that organic farming requires an integrated management system and that farmers must adopt a completely different approach. As a result, training and experience sharing are essential. He also emphasized the priceless advantages of eating exclusively organic produce, which is not only safer and healthier but also recognized to be tastier, more nutrient-dense, and to have higher shelf life and storage qualities.


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