Shallots seedlings (plantules echalotte)
At Agromoris, a tray of 128 shallots seedlings is available at Rs 200.
- 1 tray of 128 shallots seedlings: Rs 200
In case, a buyer does not have any tray to return ,a price of Rs35 will be included for the tray.

Planting shallot sets
Shallots have a small root system, therefore adding tons of organic matter to the soil before planting is essential. Per square metre/yard, apply a bucketful of well-rotted manure or garden compost. This will aid in the addition of nutrients, the improvement of soil structure, and the retention of moisture in the soil. Fresh manure should be avoided. Apply one handful per square metre/yard of a high potassium general fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4.
Sets are typically planted between mid-March and mid-April. Plant them 2cm (34in) deep in drills or carefully push them into loose soil individually, with the tip just visible at the surface. In rows 30–45cm (12–18in) apart, space them 15–20cm (6–8in) apart. Water well and firm the soil around the sets.
Some cultivars are best planted between late October and mid-March because they are less susceptible to cold, which can cause bolting. In thick soils prone to waterlogging, autumn planting is not recommended because the crop is more susceptible to disease.
Birds can lift newly planted sets, so keep them covered with fleece until they’ve rooted. Another alternative is to lay down black weed-suppressing membrane on the ground and then plant the sets through slits. There is no need to weed after that, which saves time and prevents unintentional bulb damage when hoeing.
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