Strong tropical storm Eleanor has passed, leading to further increases in vegetable prices on the local market in the coming weeks. Household budgets will endure this new wave of increases.
The strong tropical storm Eleanor caused damage to the agricultural sector. Since the beginning of the year, cyclone Belal, followed by torrential rains and persistent high humidity, had already weakened the latter. The gusts and heavy rains, particularly in the country’s east, have caused considerable damage to agricultural land according to Kailash Ramdhary, the spokesperson for the Small Planters’ Movement. A drop in production will certainly lead to significant disruptions in the supply of vegetables in the coming weeks, resulting in rising prices.
An eastern planter confirmed he expects an increase of between 20% and 25% within a week. A head-on cyclone struck us while we were preparing to harvest new crops, causing a drop in production that would eventually lead to higher vegetable prices. Eleanor’s strong winds destroyed over 50% of crops.
Dinesh Dommun, the market gardener in Triolet, warns consumers as well. An increase in vegetable prices is inevitable, and he argues for this. Next week, half a kilo of candy apples will cost Rs 225, or more, than their current price of Rs 180. He finds the current vegetable prices in the local market worrying.
Many households face worsening difficulties because of the predicted rise in vegetable prices for several weeks, which is about to take effect and cause further concern. Many people choose alternatives like canned vegetables and frozen vegetables when faced with this situation. Supermarkets have also noted an increase in the sale of these products.
Tropical Storm Eleanor severely damaged the agricultural sector, causing a decline in production and increased vegetable prices, prompting consumers to seek alternative options.
Source: https://defimedia.info/post-eleanor-legumes-hausse-de-20-25-sur-les-prix-dici-une-semaine