Fine vegetables, zucchini, peppers, and patties are impacted by the rain.
Although there is a plentiful supply of veggies available for low costs at markets and other events, the island’s recent weather has had a negative impact on several vegetables. Fine crops like zucchini, patisson, and peppers are the most affected.
The plantations in the southern region were the most impacted, according to the head of the Small Planters’ Association. Who also claim that it was challenging for him to advance a percentage of these affected veggies yesterday. But he notes that beyond this time, a shortage of these items will be noticed causing their prices to rise dramatically. He does not predict a shortage of these afflicted veggies over the next ten days. He claims, for instance, that the price of a small pepper, which currently sells for Rs 200 per half a kilo, might rise to Rs 300, and that a pound of large peppers may fetch Rs 175–200.
However, because the sugar harvest is currently so far along, the sugar cane was unaffected by the rainy and windy weather. He claimed that the amount of sucrose in the cane increased with the temperature. The inconvenient working conditions for those tasked with laboring in the fields continue to be the only issue.