Facilities provided for apiculture sector(honey) in mauritius in budget 2022-2023

Apiculture sector

The Mauritian government also has the ability to lessen our reliance on honey imports, which account for 90% of our consumption. In this regard:

  • Beekeepers will receive a subsidy of  Rs 500 per Bee queen, up to a maximum of 10 queens.
  • To secure the beekeeping zones, a one-off grant of Rs 150,000 will be given to each beekeeper.
  • AMB will import beeswax in large quantities and resell it to beekeepers at a low cost.
  • The CCTV camera acquisition scheme will be expanded to include bee honey producers.
  • To enable year-round honey production, new mellifluous plants will be introduced.

Source: https://www.mauritiusbudget.com/

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Access Date: 8th June 2022

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