The observation is overwhelming. The study by the Chamber of Agriculture, involving 300 small and medium-sized growers, found that these growers use 60 active harmful substances in their plantations of 11 types of vegetables in Mauritius. An investigation made public on February 11, 2016, revealed a worrying situation: the Dangerous Chemical Control Board has prohibited some of these substances, while the Board has not authorized the importation of others.
According to Jacqueline Sauzier of the Chamber of Agriculture, the growers interviewed for the purposes of this study say growers lack sufficient supervision on the use of active substances. Farmers also said they needed training and monitoring on the ground. In addition, the sale of these chemicals would be just as free: growers sometimes purchase these substances in the field, hardware stores, or other similar locations.
Strengthen legislation for the traceability of agricultural products
The Chamber of Agriculture will not sit idly by, specifies Jacqueline Sauzier. Around ten pilot farms will soon set up two networks using sustainable agriculture. An official from the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute will supervise the small planters. The largest producers will obtain help from an engineer from the Chamber of Agriculture. Jacqueline Sauzier also underlined the need to strengthen legislation for the traceability of agricultural products as well as to introduce a control system.
The Chamber of Agriculture’s project benefits from the support of the French Development Agency. The Chamber of Agriculture is also looking for other types of funding, by responding to calls for projects launched in particular by the Mauritius Research Council.
Source: 60 harmful substances used in plantations – https://lexpress.mu/node/275835