During the period of fasting observed by the Hindus, there is a higher demand for vegetables, causing the cost of certain vegetables to rise. Jackfruit is a fruit and Mauritians adore it. The demand for this fruit has increased. Usually, it uses in curry during the fasting period and its price is Rs 65 per half a kilo. A seller discloses that the jackfruit is not easily available. He has to go to individuals to buy it. The Small Farmers Association explained that in Mauritius jackfruit is not cultivated in large amounts in orchards but rather from individual’s backyards.
Moreover, each year these trees are being chopped down. They also underlined that they will further investigate this. Other vegetable prices that went up are the “pipengaille” which went from Rs 30 to Rs 40, the cabbage from Rs 15 to Rs 40, and the green beans from Rs 35 to 50, and the margoze from Rs 40 to Rs 50 per half kilo.
Fasting season is not the sole reason for increasing price
However, the fasting season is not the sole reason for price increases; excessive rainfall and harsh weather in August 2021 have affected certain vegetables, according to Isoop Soobadar, a market gardener and the leader of the Market Traders Association. He urges that the Belle Rive auction be carried out as soon as possible; because it is easier to access for market gardeners. He does, however, complain about how street sellers disrupt their business by taking over auctions in Port Louis. Market Traders Association had a case against the municipality of Port-Louis. On 26 October 2021, the Supreme Court passed its decision in this case. They stated that the police failed to enforce a 2006 judgment that does not allow street vendors to work in the 500-meter zone around the Central Market in Port Louis.