Forty people were offered training to learn agricultural basics

About 40 people between the ages of 18 and 60 attended a training course on general principles of agriculture. Delivered by the Regional Training Center (RTC) in Reduit. This training is the result of collaboration between the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) and the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture as part of the National Training and Reskilling Scheme (NTRS).
The NTRS aims to train people who have lost their jobs due to Covid to find new jobs. The “Starting Your Journey in Agriculture” training is created to help participants explore various aspects of local agricultural production and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become agricultural entrepreneurs. In addition, after his three-month training by working professionals from the private sector and technicians from the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI), the participant presented the development project at his open house.
Projects were designed to highlight skills acquired during training and were prepared with mentors with expertise in selected topics. The projects announced included permaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics and more, demonstrating the high demand for technology-driven agriculture. This is his first group of 40 people selected from over 100 registered with HRDC.
This 260-hour program of his combines theoretical classroom training, speakers from the agricultural, technical and financial sectors, and on-site visits by experts in the food or livestock industry. Jacqueline Sauzier, Secretary General of the Chamber of Agriculture, said: “In addition to training, the purpose of this program is to encourage the emergence of new farmers in the country”.
The RTC and the Chamber of Agriculture, are pleased with the success of this initial initiative. Feedback from trainers and participants has consistently been positive.