While we turned a blind eye to FinTech and real estate, we forgot about the challenges of the green revolution, a vital sector but also one with great potential to create opportunities and jobs. The Ministry of Agro-industry offered around twenty schemes for small planters, breeders, and other agri-preneurs, but many entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs were unaware of them. However, the agricultural sector presented many opportunities for entrepreneurship at all levels.
On the occasion of the celebration of World Food Day, the Ministry of Agro-industry organized an agricultural exhibition at Domaine-Les-Pailles. They presented the latest trends in the sector, agricultural equipment, plants, and also the services offered by the State. The theme of that day that year was “Let’s change the future of migration: invest in food security and rural development”.
The event in Mauritius also fits with the celebrations of our 50th anniversary of independence. In that context, there were mini-exhibitions across the country to raise awareness of the importance of this sector.
“We produced only 25% of our food needs and we depended enormously on imports, the bill exceeding Rs 30 billion annually. We were still far from the democratization of the Smart Farming concept, although some large companies were already engaged in large-scale organic farming,” specified the Ministry of Agro-industry.
Source: The challenges of the green revolution – https://defimedia.info/agrobusiness-les-defis-de-la-revolution-verte