Tea Plantation Initiative: ENL Group Expands Agricultural Horizons

Tea Plantation

ENL Group Embraces Tea Cultivation: A Strategic Agricultural Move

The ENL conglomerate is further diversifying its agricultural activities. After engaging in sugarcane cultivation and the production of vegetables and fruits, the group is now venturing into tea cultivation. The CEO of the ENL Group, Gilbert Espitalier-Noël, made the announcement on Wednesday, November 29. It was held at the Vivea Business Park in Moka during a press meeting.

“We have decided to cultivate tea,” declared the CEO of the ENL Group. He emphasized that tea has been an important industry for Mauritius for years but has recently experienced a decline. He also pointed out that between 30 and 40% of the tea consumed in Mauritius is imported in the form of tea dust and is mixed with locally produced tea. The CEO believes that the group is fortunate to have available land in the high regions of the island. This particularly consist of Valetta, Dagotière, and Quartier-Militaire, among others.

He explained that these are humid areas and not conducive to sugarcane cultivation. Due to this, it would result in low yields. “On the other hand, these are regions where the climate is favorable for tea cultivation,” explained Gilbert Espitalier-Noël.


Furthermore, he mentioned that the government strongly encourages tea plantation. He has a solid national strategy in this regard. “For more than two years, we have been in contact with Mauritian authorities and farmers in Kenya to embark on tea cultivation. We are now about to initiate the first phase of tea plantation on an area of approximately 450 acres,” said the CEO. He believes that this cultivation is important and strategic for the country.

“This will enable us to reduce tea imports and establish a large-scale tea culture in humid areas where sugarcane does not prosper,” he supported. Moreover Gilbert Espitalier-Noel added that this new venture demonstrates the ENL Group’s strong commitment to the agricultural industry. “We will remain farmers and that for a very long time,” he concluded.


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