This agricultural aid plan, launched by the Ministry of Agro-industry and Food Security, intends to help farmers employ protected structures to encourage good food crops on Mauritian soil. For the Sheltered Farming Scheme, FAREI grants a 50% subsidy on investment expenditures up to a maximum of Rs 250,000.
“While the Mauritian government encourages ‘Shelter Farming,’ this style of agriculture is far more expensive than traditional cultivation. More than 400 people have benefited from this program, which aims to safeguard their veggies from climate change, particularly during hurricanes and strong rains.

- Registered planters
- Cooperative Societies
- Agricultural Companies
- Farmers Associations operating in the agro-industrial sector and engaged in production of high value crops/horticultural crops on a minimum extent of 0.25 arpent and having a maximum annual turnover of Rs 3 million.
- New promoters who own property or have a land lease for at least 5 years and whose projects match the scheme’s other requirements are also eligible.
Mode Of Application
Farmer has to fill the appropriate application form and submit supporting document, where applicable, as follows:
- Copy of registration certificate in case of Co-operative Societies/Companies/Farmers Associations or Copy of Small Planters Welfare Fund (SFWF) registration card in case of individuals.
- Copy of Identity Card for members of Co-operative Societies/Companies/Farmers Associations
- Copy of relevant permits, licences.
- Proof of funding from a recognized financial institution (e.g. updated letter from bank); and
Quotation(s) from the Supplier(s). - The application form is available at any sub office of the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) or can be downloaded from the Ministry’s website:
The application form duly filled along with the relevant documents should be submitted at the nearest sub-offices of FAREI.