Discover the vibrant world of seasonal vegetables in Mauritius. From garlic to butternut, explore the growth cycles, varieties, and ideal planting periods for these delicious crops on this tropical island.
Garlic (Allium sativum)

Vegetable Name: Garlic (Allium sativum)
Time Taken to Grow: garlic takes 4 to 4½ months to grow from planting to harvest.
Varieties: there are local varieties of garlic, including white, pink, and traditional. The traditional variety has smaller cloves, a darker pink color, and a spicier flavor.
Planting Period: Farmers typically plant garlic from April to May. In very humid regions, they may extend the planting period until mid-June.
Climates: garlic is suitable for regions with irrigated sub-humid to humid climates.
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)

Vegetable Name: Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)
Time Taken to Grow: broccoli takes 2 to 3 months (after transplantation) to grow from planting to harvest.
Varieties: there are different varieties of broccoli suitable for different seasons. For winter, varieties like Early You, Matsuri, Agassi, Mon Fils, Atacama, AX11405, Isabella are used. For summer, varieties like Liora and Atacama are preferred.
Planting Period: You can plant broccoli from February to June. In regions with high humidity and elevation, planting can extend from August to November.
Climates: broccoli thrives in cool and humid climates.
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)

Vegetable Name: Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
Time Taken to Grow: cabbage takes 1.5 to 3 months (after transplantation) to grow from planting to harvest.
Varieties: there are different varieties of cabbage suitable for different seasons. For winter, varieties like Locale, Star 3311, Crystal Boy, Tacoma, WS 1144, and red varieties like Scarlet Pearl, Red Wizard, AX 60168, Super Red are used. For summer, varieties like Summer Power, Star 3311, Tacoma, NS 43, Santa F1, and red varieties like Scarlet Pearl, Red Wizard, AX 60168 are preferred.
Planting Period: Plant cabbage for summer varieties from January to March and from October to December. For winter varieties, plant them from April to September.
Climates: cabbage prefers preferably humid and superhumid climates.
Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum)

Vegetable Name: Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum)
Time Taken to Grow: welsh onion takes 3 to 3½ months (for local varieties) and 2 to 2½ months (for imported varieties) to grow from planting to harvest.
Varieties: there are both local and imported varieties of Welsh onion. Local varieties include Multipliant d’été and Multipliant d’hiver. Imported varieties include Common red welsh onion and White welsh onion.
Planting Period: Plant Welsh onion for summer varieties from January to March and from October to December. Plant for winter varieties from April to September. You can plant imported varieties throughout the year from January to December.
Climates: welsh onion thrives in irrigated sub-humid and humid climates. It prefers sunny locations.
Maïs vert et maïs doux (Zea mays)

Vegetable Name: Maïs vert et maïs doux (Zea mays)
Varieties: Local, SC 602 (yellow), SC 608 (yellow), SC 719 (white)
Time Taken to Grow: 2.5 to 3 months
Planting Period:
1st season: March to May
2nd season: August to October
Climates: suitable for sub-humid, humid, and super-humid climates.
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)

Vegetable Name: Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
First Season: Spunta, Safari, and Vigora
Second Season: Delaware, Safari, Spunta, and Vigora
Growth Cycle: it takes about 90 to 105 days to grow from planting to harvest.
Planting Period:
First Season: Mid-April to June
Second Season: July to mid-September
Preferred Climates: potatoes thrive in areas with adequate irrigation and humidity. Some regions in the humid zone can also be suitable. However, places with extremely heavy rainfall should be avoided.
Courge butternut (Cucurbita moschata)

Vegetable Name: Courge butternut (Cucurbita moschata)
Time Taken to Grow: courge butternut takes 4 to 5 months to grow from planting to harvest.
Varieties: Courge Musquée, Pluto, Sibelle, Waltham
Planting Period: courge butternut can be planted from March to September.
Climates: courge butternut can be grown in sub-humid, humid, and super-humid climates.
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/ail.html
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/brocoli.html
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/chou.html
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/ciboule.html
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/curcuma.html
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/pommedeterre.html
- https://farei.mu/apmis/guide/crops/courgebutternut.html