Certification of bio foods scheme was introduced to facilitate small-scale food crop producers’ access to internationally recognized organic certification systems. Allowing their fresh farm products to be distinguished and formally labeled as genuine organic farm products on both domestic and international markets. Therefore ensuring them a premium price and adequate compensation for the effort put in during the production process.
The authorities for this scheme are Budget Measure and Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security
Details of certification of bio foods scheme
Beneficiaries receive a cash grant of Rs 100,000 to cover the expenses of certification of fresh organic goods produced on their own farms, payable by claim to the Certifying Body or its local agent as follows:
An amount representing 50% of the approved grant to be disbursed at start of the certification process.
The remaining 50% paid at time of issue of the certificate.
Co-operative Societies, Agro-based Companies as well as individual farmers engaged in production of food crops on commercial scale and conducted under recommended organic farming systems on either owned or leased lands of area ranging from a minimum of 1 arpent to a maximum of 10 arpents.
Eligibility criteria
Scheme shall be applicable if prospective applicant shall:
hold valid Planters Registration Card issued by the Small Farmers Welfare Fund in case of individual farmers; or
valid Registration Certificate/Business Registration Card, whichever applicable, with agricultural production as main field of activity in case of Co-operative Societies and AgroBased Companies;
have proof of adequate financial resources for funding of the remaning amount required to settle the full cost quoted for the certification process; and
hold title deed or valid lease agreement (Minimum 5 years) for land hosting the organic farm.