Roche-Bois: Vivo Energy Mauritius Boosts Sustainable Agriculture

Boosts Sustainable Agriculture

Vivo Energy Mauritius Support

Vivo Energy Mauritius has installed an aquaponic vegetable farm within the Mouvement pour le Progrès de Roche-Bois (MPRB) non-profit organization, following its previous efforts to support sustainable agriculture. The company has introduced two organic gardens and provided aquaponic vegetable gardens to four elementary schools and four non-governmental organizations through its Cité Zen: Les Petites Paumes de Terre program. In addition to providing meals to families in need during health and environmental emergencies, Vivo Energy Mauritius has a history of supporting the Roche-Bois community by donating school supplies and supporting local talent.

Sustainable Agriculture Promotion

According to Fouad Khfifi, Managing Director of Vivo Energy Mauritius, “with this initiative, we are aligning ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations, in particular that of promoting sustainable agriculture.” “This aquaponic vegetable garden accomplishes two goals: it provides fresh, nutritious crops to Roche-Bois residents in need of sustenance, and it acts as a teaching tool to increase community understanding of environmentally friendly farming methods. Again, he stated, “We at Vivo Energy Mauritius are convinced of the critical role that businesses have in protecting the environment and passing on the necessary skills to future generations.

Empowers Young Beneficiaries

Young MPRB beneficiaries were provided pepper plants in December. Vivo Energy Foundation hopes to introduce these kids to gardening and inspire them to repeat these easy yet vital tasks at home by providing them with the chance to cultivate their own food. According to MPRB Program Administrator Gaëtan Abel, “It’s about taking a further step towards the food self-sufficiency of these families by giving these children the taste of putting their hands in the land.”

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