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Get our potatoes from our online market store for only 20.00 MUR.

These garden-grown vegetables are full of flavor and texture! They are popular and long-lasting root vegetables that can be grown in many climates.

Method of plantation:
  • Use a clean, sharp paring knife to cut large potatoes into pieces that are roughly the size of a golf ball, making sure that there are at least 2 eyes on each piece.
  • If you are cutting up potato pieces yourself, do so 1 to 2 days ahead of planting. This will give them the chance to “heal” and form a protective layer over the cut surface, improving both moisture retention and rot resistance.
  • 12 to 16 days after planting, when sprouts appear, use a hoe to gently fill in the trench with another 3 to 4 inches of soil, leaving a few inches of the plants exposed. Repeat for several weeks, leaving the soil mounded up 4 to 5 inches above ground level.
  • If you’re buying potatoes to eat within a few days, storage is not an issue. You can store it anywhere. For long-term storage, potatoes need the following conditions: ventilation, cool temperatures, high humidity, and no light. Storing potatoes in your home isn’t easy unless you have a root cellar. Most home temperatures are kept at 65 to 75 degrees F and potatoes need to be stored at cool temperatures to avoid sprouting.


  • Do not simply put the fresh potato in the refrigerator, they’ll go limp in a few hours.
  • Before planning your garden, take a look at our plant companions chart.
  • Grated potatoes are said to soothe sunburnt skin.