The Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Mr Maneesh Gobin, has launched the Locally Produced Fertilizer Subsidy Scheme (LPFS). This event was held at the Small Farmers Welfare Fund (SFWF) in Goodlands on the 21st of December. Present at this event were the Parliamentary Private Secretary, Dr Anjiv Ramdhany, the chairman of the SFWF, Mr Ashok Bundhoo, and other personalities. During this event, registered planters were given LPFS vouchers and following a drawing lot, five random planters received Knapsack sprayers. During the National Budget, the government approved the establishment of the LPFS. In order to provide support to small planters registered planters. It is made up of a subsidy of 75% on the cost of locally produced fertilizers. The Small Farmers Welfare Fund will be operating the LPFS and will be offered to registered food crop, flower and tea planters for both open fields and sheltered farming.