Household gardening scheme

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In conjunction with the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute, a new Household Gardening Scheme has been implemented (FAREI), said the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security.

On a first come, first served basis, prospective beneficiaries are eligible for a cash grant equivalent to 75% of the cost of farming structures/systems to be acquired, up to a maximum of Rs15, 000 per household.


objective of household gardening scheme

The scheme’s primary goal is to stimulate backyard intensive gardening in order to encourage food crop cultivation at the family level.

purpose of household gardening scheme 

The project aims to make mini-sheltered units, aquaponics/mini-hydroponics/vertical farming structures, and other FAREI-approved novel production systems more accessible.

mode of application 

Those interested to benefit from this Scheme are invited to submit their applications by filling in an application form prescribed to that effect. The form can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry at and FAREI at or collected at its regional offices, namely:

North: Mapou Model Farm: Tel.: 266-1587 or 266-2087;

South: Plaisance Demonstration Centre: Tel.: 637-8112; and Rivière des Anguilles Demonstration Centre : Tel.: 626-2554 ;

East: Flacq Model Farm: Tel.: 413-8125 or 413-4617; and

Centre: Extension and Training Department, Level 1, FSC Building, St Pierre. Tel. 433-9350 or 433-4378 and Vacoas Extension Sub office: Tel.: 606-3087

Duly completed application forms, along with copies of applicants’ National Identity Cards and proof of residential address, as well as relevant quotations from suppliers of the structure/s to be acquired, must reach the FAREI Sub offices listed above ,  in accordance with the sanitary protocol in place and in alphabetical order.

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