Growing Sweet Potatoes Made Easy

Planting Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes thrive in sandy loam soil, which helps roots grow properly. Avoid compact soil that causes misshapen tubers. Test your soil every few years and add lime or fertilizer if necessary. Use balanced fertilizer like 12-12-12 before planting. Prepare 12-inch-high ridges spaced 36 to 40 inches apart to keep soil loose for smooth potato growth. When the soil is 65°F or warmer and frost is gone, plant sweet potato slips 12 to 18 inches apart. Make planting holes with a metal rod, fill them with water, and insert slips halfway into the soil. Firm the soil around slips and water thoroughly for the first week to promote root development.

Caring for Sweet Potatoes

Once roots grow, sweet potatoes require minimal care. Control weeds early, and vines will naturally shade them later. Water regularly but reduce watering near the end of the growing season to prevent potatoes from splitting.

growing sweet potatoes

Harvest sweet potatoes after about three months. For smaller “baby bakers,” harvest earlier. To check readiness, gently dig into the ridge and feel for the tubers without pulling them out. Harvest before frost by cutting off the vines. Burn the vines, if allowed, to prevent disease build-up. Growing sweet potatoes is a satisfying endeavor that, with the right care and soil conditions, leads to a fruitful harvest.

By following these steps, you can grow sweet potatoes with minimal effort and enjoy a rewarding harvest.



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