Growing Cassava (manioc): Roots of Success - Agromoris

Growing Cassava (manioc): Roots of Success

How to Grow and Care for Cassava(manioc):
Cassava, a woody shrub, thrives in warm tropical or subtropical climates. Known for its edible roots, it also offers ornamental value with large green or variegated leaves. While its uncooked roots are toxic, cooking neutralizes harmful compounds.

planting and caring for cassava

Plant cassava in spring after frost danger has passed. It needs eight months of warmth for a full crop. Choose a sunny site with deep, fertile, and moist soil. Space cuttings 20–30 inches apart, planting them 2–8 inches deep. Vertical placement helps prevent root rot.
Cassava thrives in well-drained loamy soil but tolerates various conditions. Regular watering is crucial during dry periods. Use a high-potassium fertilizer to encourage healthy roots. For leaf harvest, apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer instead.

light, temperature and harvesting

It grows best with full or partial sun exposure. Avoid excessive direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. A frost-free climate with temperatures between 60–85°F is ideal.
Cassava roots are ready for harvest around eight months after planting. Harvest before roots grow too woody for consumption. For perennial growth, remove only needed roots, allowing the plant to regrow. Handle roots carefully as they bruise easily.

growing cassava (manioc) in containers

Use the variegated cassava variety for pots. Choose a large container with drainage holes and fill it with well-draining potting mix. Container-grown plants need frequent watering and fertilization.

propagation, overwintering, pests and diseases

Propagate cassava from stem cuttings in spring. Keep cuttings moist for the first two months. In cooler climates, store cuttings indoors over winter and replant in spring.
Cassava rarely faces severe pest issues. Potential problems include mosaic virus, locusts, beetles, and aphids



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