Smart Agriculture Project Discoveries to Enhance Food Production

Dissemination of Smart Agriculture Project Discoveries to Enhance Food Production

Enhance Food Production meeting

Smart agriculture findings

This morning, the findings of the Final Design restitution titled “Smart Agriculture vers la réduction des produits phytosanitaires en agriculture vivrière” were presented.

dignitaries and attendees

Mr Massimiliano Messi, the Alternative Secretary of Delegations of the European Union (EU) in Mauritius, Professor Theesan Bahorun, the Executive Director of the Mauritius Research and Innovations Council (MRIC), Miss Jacqueline Sauzier, the Secretary General of the Mauritius Chambers of Agriculture (MCA), along with other personalities, attended the event.

project funding and objectives

EU and MRIC, with support from FAREI and CIRAD, funded Rs 20 million project over 4 years. Aiming to boost public food security through sustainable agriculture practices, eco-friendly production and protection methods, and improved human nutrition.

Agriculture challenges amid covid-19

In his address, Mister Messi highlighted the challenges the agricultural sector faces amid the COVID-19 epidemic. Moreover, he emphasized that these challenges spurred the world to develop new ways and conduct scoring research to ensure global food security.

eu commitment to mauritius

He affirmed the EU’s commitment to continuing to partner with Mauritius. Furthermore, it provides financial support, research, and training to improve production methods, making the countries resilient to climate change and boosting their food production industries. Additionally, he stressed the goal of producing high-quality products at competitive prices.

sustainable agriculture

He also highlighted the need for innovation in the agriculture sectors for more sustained food production and urged the public, private sectors, and all stakeholders to promote smart agriculture nationwide.

pesticide reduction and soil enhancement

Professor Bahorun points out that Mauritius is one of the largest pesticide users according to the Food Agricultural Organizations and noted a 22% increase in pesticide use in 2020. He also discussed the impacts of pesticides on soil quality and consumers’ health.

agricultural revolution with smart solutions

He explains that the Smart Agriculture projects aim to identify new methods to improve soil qualities. Additionally, they aim to reduce significant pesticide use and educate farmers about the effects of pesticide use. He called for the adoption of smart agriculture to minimize the risks associated with pesticide use.

promoting smart agriculture nationwide

Sauzier stresses that the study shows farmers can produce high-quality foods with fewer pesticides. Furthermore, Smart Agriculture could revolutionize the industry, meeting consumer demands at lower prices. Additionally, projects need initial investments, benefiting farmers long-term with improved soil fertility and productivity.

