Considering Planting a Durian Tree?

Planting a Durian Tree

When you acknowledge that you have a durian problem, the next thing to do is to figure out how to obtain a limitless supply of the fruit. You wish to plant a durian tree of your own, that’s correct.

What if I could have a durian tree in my yard, you might be wondering? I could devour as much of this premium, organic, freshly dropped durian as I wanted. I would wait all night under my tree. It would be paradisiacal.

That much is most likely true. It would be paradisiacal. I’m sure some of you can make it work. I regret to inform the remaining aspirants, but growing durian trees is not possible in Russia. or perhaps even California. Here are some things to think about before you start digging or buy outrageously costly seeds from eBay con artists.


The equatorial tropics, which are 23 degrees north or south of the equator, are home to durian trees. There, it is quite hot. quite hot. It never, ever freezes, not even in an unusual year. The normal temperature is between 24 and 30 degrees Celsius (75 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit).Durians are extremely cold-sensitive. The durian will lose its leaves and perish if there is a cold snap and the temperature falls below 7 C, or 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Even in the coldest region of Malaysia, the Cameron Highlands, where a freak record low of 7.8 C (46 F) was recorded, durian does not grow.

Climate Considerations

This implies that durian cannot be grown in the majority of countries worldwide, including Russia. Although I understand that Russia is a large country that stretches as far south as it is parallel to Italy and Spain, the average winter temperature in Dagestan, the southernmost region of Russia, is only 2.2 C (36 F). Not happening, I apologize.

Rainfall and Humidity

Not only do Durians enjoy heat, but they also enjoy humidity. The sticky, muggy kind of humid that gives you dreams about drowning at night. In regions with annual rainfall of 1600–4000 mm (63–157 inches), durians thrive in humidity levels of 75–90%.It’s surprising how hot it can get in Los Angeles. The marine layer keeps the humidity in Los Angeles at about 65% on average. I apologize if my expectations have raised yours. Only 16 inches of rain fall on Los Angeles annually, which is around 25% of what durian need. It gets too chilly for durian, though I suppose you could keep the hose running in spite of L.A.’s watering regulations.

Grafted Durian Trees

Grafted trees have a much lesser maximum height of about 40 feet. If you reside in an area where it is allowed to import blossoming material or if you don’t mind going through airport security with sticks taped under your clothes, this is a terrific alternative.

Import Restrictions

To the best of my knowledge, importing live plant material without a permission is currently prohibited in the majority of countries. Though they don’t always, ungerminated or barely germinated seeds are frequently removed from the category of living plants.

Durian Seeds via Mail

The only true choice if you are unable to travel or dislike the feel of tape is to have durian seeds mailed to you. Thus, create room for a massive, exquisite rainforest tree.

Durian Plant Care

The foot of durian plants dislike being wet. They merely prune up more quickly than other trees, that’s what. They cannot withstand floods or continuously damp soil, and as a result, they will either drown, have a number of fungal infections, or become vulnerable to worms and other borers.

Optimal Soil Conditions

Loamy, well-draining soil is ideal for durian trees, and they grow best on gently sloping terrain, like a hillside. Nevertheless, as long as there are no floods, they also adapt quite well to the flatlands.

Are you up for the challenge?

Great if you have everything durian trees require! You can begin to squeal with delight as you imagine hundreds of durians dropping to the lawn in the shape of Easter eggs.


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