Growing Tamarind Seeds Indoors: A Step-by-Step Guide

Growing Tamarind Seeds

The Tamarindus indica, a tropical tree, thrives in plant hardiness zones 10-11 of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It produces fruit with an edible paste, similar to citrus, apricots, and dates. Seed cultivation is easy if treated beforehand. These tropical trees can be grown in moderate winters indoors.

Tamarind Growth

Tamarind, originating from Madagascar and Africa, is cultivated in India, South America, Australia, and Southeast Asia. It is commonly grown outdoors in California, southern Florida, and southern Arizona. While cold temperatures affect immature trees, mature ones can withstand frost.

Ideal Growth Conditions

In perfect circumstances, this tropical tree reaches heights of 90 feet and widths almost as great in areas free of frost. Its evergreen, frond-like, 1/3- to 3/4-inch-long leaflets arrange themselves on 2- to 5-inch-long leaf blades, making it a member of the Fabaceae family, also known as the pea family.

Flowering and Fruiting

During spring, the small red and yellow blossoms produce drooping clusters that give rise to plump, velvety, cinnamon-brown, 7-inch-long pods. The thick paste that surrounds two to three seeds in the pods is used in curries, soft drinks, and Worcestershire sauce. A tamarind tree must develop from seed to blossom and give fruit, which could take up to six years.

Tamarind Tree Growth From Seed

Safety Tips

Boiling water and/or prolonged soaking are the safest methods for home gardeners to break through the hard shells surrounding the embryos. Additionally, put on protective goggles and gloves when preparing the seeds for germination to shield your hands and eyes from hot water splashes.

Preparing Tamarind Seeds

In a tea kettle, bring the water to a boil. Then, pour half of the boiling water into a mug with the seeds in it. Let the seeds soak for at least an hour in the cup, then place it somewhere out of the way of kids and animals. Alternatively, place the seeds in a jar and add warm tap water to it. Before planting, let the seeds soak for a full day or two.

Sowing Tamarind Seeds

Sow the seeds in wet seed-starting mix, 1/2 inch deep. After positioning the pots or seed-starting tray on a seed-heat pad, cover it with plastic wrap or a cover made of plastic. To keep the mixture damp but not soggy, mist it as needed. Moreover, while seeds soaking for 12 hours germinate in 19 days, seeds prepared with hot water germinate in about 12 days.

Caring for Tamarind Tree

Seedlings need at least 12 hours of light per day in a bright light source, such as a grow light. Additionally, move seedlings to bigger containers as they get bigger. Ensure to use potting mix that drains well or create your own, then plant in a shallow ceramic bonsai container. Water the plant frequently at first until it becomes established. Moreover, use a 6-6-3 fertilizer every two to three months to fertilize. Spread mulch or compost three to four inches from the tree’s trunk. Before pruning, put on safety gear and clean your pruning instruments. To manage the tree’s size and growth, prune it as necessary, eliminating any dead or broken branches.

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